Image of Wholemeal Sourdough Boule (600g)

Wholemeal Sourdough Boule (600g)

Wholemeal Sourdough Boule (600g)
1 item

About our Wholemeal Sourdough Boule (600g)


This loaf is leavened solely with a wheat levain fed with Wildfarmed T80 Stoneground White Flour. The flour used in the dough is a blend of Wildfarmed T110 Stoneground Flour [high extraction flour, approx. 90% of the whole grain] and Wildfarmed T150 Stoneground Wholemeal. The grain is sourced only from British and French farmers sourced by Wildfarmed and includes farmers in Northumberland. Ingredients Wildfarmed T110 StonegroundFlour [WHEAT], Wildfarmed T80 Stoneground White Flour [WHEAT], Wildfarmed T150 Stoneground Wholemeal, Salt, Diastatic Barley Malt Powder [BARLEY]